Sensei Adam Rostocki is the founder of The Cure Back Pain Network, as well as Editor-in-Chief of our various websites. Sensei has been researching back pain for over 30 years to date, since suffering with terrible lower back issues as a teenager. Sensei is a life-long martial artist, fitness professional and patient rights advocate, specializing in assisting those with chronic health issues. Sensei is a noted pain coach and the published author of over 16 books.
Sensei has been actively studying traditional Asian medical practices for many years, including extensive training abroad. Sensei focuses on internal energy systems, for self defense and healing, as well as meditation, qigong, tai qi and zen philosophy. Sensei founded The Combined Martial Arts Institute and The Inner Dragon Schools of Self Defense.
Sensei worked as a trial preparation investigator in New York City for 12 years. He used this experience to further his knowledge of the litigation process and better understand the crucial role of the medical professions in the legal system. He also learned much about the manner in which back pain and various spinal abnormalities were portrayed in courtroom settings during civil litigation.
Sensei is the CEO of SAR Research and Statistics Ltd, which collects and analyzes patient surveys and satisfaction ratings for insurance carrier use. The company’s work has proven an ever greater need for change in the way chronic pain is handled in the medical sector.