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Welcome to Cure-Back-Pain.Org. You will never find a more comprehensive collection of back pain information anywhere. We have helped to cure tens of thousands of people over the past 15+ years. No other health website dares to make this claim, because they recycle the same old, useless information that has never actually helped anyone to recover from debilitating back pain. We are proud to be different.
You can cure back pain. However, it can be a difficult path. The medical industry is broken and someone needs to shed light on the problems that exist. We are proud to fill this role as objective patient educators and advocates. Year after year, our most loyal readers are doctors, chiropractors and various types of therapists. We know that many healthcare professionals are dissatisfied with the present status quo and want to provide better care for their patients. They know that change is needed and are working to implement better diagnostic and treatment protocols, one patient at a time. Our expert Editorial Board leads the way in this mission.
All of our writing is based on our professional experience, actual patient reports, research citations and clinical evidence, not marketing materials. We never confuse advertising with content and will never endorse anything in exchange for compensation. We will not relentlessly market to you or try to take advantage of the trust you have placed in us. Money is not our motivation. We volunteer our time here. There are no lists to sign up for… You don’t have to buy anything to benefit from the knowledge on this website. Enjoy the free information without any pressure. However, if you do choose to donate, or purchase any of our products, know that you are helping us to help others. All of the funds raised go directly to our education, advocacy and research efforts worldwide.
There are thousands of topics on this website. You can find all of them on our site map.
If you are seeking immediate help, then please feel free to read more about our Cure Back Pain Forever Program. These tools and techniques are the result of all of our collective experience in researching, evaluating and treating back pain. We are proud to offer this program to help you.