Back strain is a colloquial term for a minor muscular injury in the back. Strain might occur if a muscle, tendon or ligament is overstretched or torn. Most back muscle pain conditions are not serious, although they might be incredibly sore and even downright debilitating for a short time. However, some muscle and ligament tears might require medical or even surgical treatment. This usually occurs when the muscle actually pulls away from its attachments, depriving the region of strength and functionality until the trauma heals naturally or is repaired surgically.
This treatise explains the common incidence of suffering a strained back and profiles the usual causes of muscular strain. We will also spend time discussing the best home remedies for minor to moderate back muscular pain conditions.
What Exactly is Back Strain?
Many people who hurt their backs suddenly exclaim, “I strained my back!”
However, most do not even know what this term implies. Strain typically suggests small tears which form in muscles or ligaments when they are injured through overuse or trauma. Usually, these tears are small and will not affect the integrity or function of the muscle or ligament significantly.
Serious tears might create functional impairment and if the muscle or ligament actually pulls away from its attachments, surgery might be required to guarantee proper healing. Fortunately, this is a rare event for most people. Generally back muscle strain is not a serious occurrence.
Back muscles are incredibly adept at healing themselves and most minor muscle ache syndromes should resolve within hours or days. Pain which endures for weeks or months may be indicative of a more serious injurious process at play.
Strained Back Care
Treating a strained back can usually be accomplished successfully at home. Taking it easy by not stressing the affected region and surrounding areas is crucial to allow for proper and full healing.
Ice and heat are simple home based solutions for minor back pain. Ice is great for the first 48 hours and heat is advised from then on.
OTC pain management is acceptable, but prescription drugs should be avoided unless the pain is excruciating.
Make sure to gently move the area daily, to help circulation and improve the healing response. Trying to immobilize a muscular tear is usually not necessary and might even slow down the time it takes to feel better.
Back Strain Help
A strained back is no fun. No one likes to be in pain and limited by a nagging back injury. However, it is very important to allow the injury to heal.
If you push yourself to “work through””a serious strain, you might do lasting damage to the muscle and might even create scar tissue, which can cause symptomatic recurrences in your future.
Be careful with your injury, but do not get stressed out over it. Muscular injuries are not usually a source of chronic back pain, so relax.
If you require help in dealing with a significant back injury, contact a qualified physician for specific advice on the best care techniques for your individual case. Many physical therapists specialize in rehabilitating back sprains and strains. Using professional PT is always a good idea to fully rehabilitate significant muscle injury conditions.