Botox for back pain is yet another use of this amazing poisonous substance. Botox (botulinum toxin, botulism toxin) is the common name for the protein toxin produced by the Clostridium botulinum bacteria. This toxin is highly diluted for medical usage in order to render it safe enough to help relieve pain and spasm, rather than injure or even kill the patient.
Botulism toxin has been used for many medical purposes, including wrinkle prevention, sweat reduction, headache treatment and muscle spasm relief. Botulism toxin is the very same dangerous compound that causes food poisoning and can be fatal in large doses. Patients are always advised to only seek care from highly trained and experienced doctors who are experts in administering the substance, in order to minimize risks inherent to any form of injection treatment.
How Does Botox for Back Pain Work?
Botox breaks down a protein that allows neurons to release acetylcholine. This organic chemical is a neurotransmitter which is responsible for activating muscles, including those involved in painful spasms. This reaction prevents the nerves from signaling properly and causes localized and user-definable muscle paralysis. When the nerves cannot communicate with the muscles, movement-related pain signals will not get passed along to the brain.
Muscle spasms and back muscle pain will typically be relieved for a long duration with proper treatment, as long as the causative expression is indeed located in the treated muscular tissue.
Botox for Back Pain Treatment
Botulism toxin is injected directly into the muscles in the painful area of the back, neck or buttocks. The effects of the toxin are immediate muscle relaxation and spasm reduction. Usually, Botox is administered into several muscles regionally using a series of injections. The effects of the treatment are almost instantaneous and the relief will statistically last between 3 to 6 months on average.
This injection therapy demonstrates positive effects in 50% to 60% of back pain patients with indicated conditions for treatment.
Risks of Botulinum Toxin for Back Pain
Botox is a poison. Of course, it is used in a highly diluted form for medical treatments.
Pregnant woman should never use Botox.
Some people are allergic to the substance and can have serious and even life-threatening reactions to Botox treatment.
Botox will weaken the muscles it is injected into for as long as its effects last. Some people even experience complete muscular paralysis. Obviously, this can be a huge concern for patients who must actively use these muscles to work.
If Botox gets into the blood stream, it can cause serious health concerns or even death. There is also the chance of infection at the injection site. However, most patients who receive injections from a qualified physician report few serious complications from treatment.
Efficacy of Botox for Back Pain
A large percentage of unresolved chronic back pain is muscular in nature. For ongoing or recurrent muscular back pain, Botox seems like a logical choice. There are very few risks or side effects if the doctor is proficient in Botox treatments. The patient might suffer reduced muscle strength, but will also have less pain. There is always the chance that Botox causes a placebo reaction. Botox is probably not a good choice for back pain that comes from non-muscular causes.
If you are suffering from serious muscular back pain, Botox might just be worth your consideration as a symptomatic treatment option. Just remember that this therapy is temporary in its benefits and must be renewed regularly in order to remain effective. Statistically, subsequent treatments offer a slightly reduced efficacy, although the reason for this has not been definitively determined.
To learn more about Botox as a back ache therapy, talk to your physician and never seek treatment from any type of caregiver who is not an expert in this miraculous injection therapy.