Dr. Marc Sopher is a family practice physician in Exeter, New Hampshire. He is a pioneer and author in the field of Mind/Body medicine. He has personally trained with Dr. John Sarno in the treatment oftension myositis syndrome.
Dr. Sopher is a sporting enthusiast and has been an avid tennis player, cyclist and accomplished runner for many years.
Dr. Sopher is also the author of the insightful TMS treatment book,
To be or Not to be… Pain-Free: The Mindbody Syndrome.
This book is one of the best sources of knowledge therapy for back pain.
Dr. Sopher Education and Training
Dr. Sopher attended Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. He graduated with a B.A., Cum Laude in 1983.
Dr. Sopher went on to study medicine at Temple Universtiy School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He graduated as a Doctor of Medicine in 1987.
Dr. Sopher completed his residency in Family Practice at Middlesex Moemorial Hospital in Middletown, Connecticut in 1990.
Dr. Sopher is board certified by the American Board of Family Practice and is a Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners.
Dr. Sopher Contact Information
Marc Sopher, MD
27 Hampton Road
Exeter, NH 03833
(603) 772-5684
(603) 772-5256 fax