Prostatitis is a very common condition experienced by men over the age of 40 which may be anatomically-motivated or caused by a psychological pain syndrome. Prostate inflammation can be caused by several known physical reasons, but most diagnosed cases of are considered idiopathic.
A majority of men do not realize that they have an inflamed prostate, until it is discovered during routine testing by their doctor. Others suspect something is wrong immediately, due to chronic issues involving pain, incontinence or sexual dysfunction of some form. Being that prostate concerns are a purely male topic in the medical sector, and men are statistically known to neglect their health more than women, a great number of affected people are not up to date on the latest facts and research findings concerning the prostate gland and the causes of inflammation.
The scope of this article is to help inform men about a lesser known possible mindbody cause and/or contributor to prostate inflammation and pain issues.
Prostatitis Symptoms
When the prostate is inflamed, the patient can experience a variety of symptoms, although these expressions are not guaranteed to occur. Some cases of prostate inflammation are completely asymptomatic and can remain unknown to the patient for a very long time.
Pelvic discomfort and lower back pain are very common.
Frequent urination, painful urination or the inability to urinate are also usual manifestations of an inflamed prostate.
Some men may also experience sexual effects, such as the inability to get an erection, the inability to maintain an erection, the inability to climax or the frequent incidence of premature climax.
Some forms of bacterial prostatitis also create fever, chills and flu-like symptoms. In fact, the diversity of prostate-related symptoms is great in some patients, occasionally leading to misdiagnosis.
Psychosomatic Prostate Pain
Even medical science is starting to acknowledge that the majority of idiopathic prostate problems are most likely to feature a psychoemotional cause or contributor. Why this open-minded attitude does not extend past prostate disorders is beyond me. At least the acceptance of some form of mindbody interaction is a step in the right direction.
Some cases of prostate inflammation are due to either conscious emotional stress or some repressed emotional sensitivity.
Regardless, many patients find that knowledge therapy can cure their recurrent prostate problems just they way it cured their chronic back problems. This method of care is preferred to pharmaceutical approaches, since there are no risks or costs involved.
Tips for Prostate Concerns
Make sure to report any unexplained pain to your doctor. Prostate trouble can be the early sign of cancer or other serious health disorder. A few back pain patients have reported to me that their urologists speculated that their prostate problems might not be physical. This acceptance of psychosomatic causation by a medical doctor is rare and wonderful. Eventually, doctors will accept the strong link between the mind and the body in all aspects of our health. Time will look back on the pioneers in this field and change their status from rebels to innovators.
If you are experiencing prostate trouble as your primary or secondary form of psychosomatic pain, do not lose hope. Knowledge therapy has been very effective at curing prostate-related pain in the majority of patients. There is no risk, no side effects and possibly, a true cure to be discovered.
Back Pain > Psychologically Induced Pain Syndromes > Prostatitis