Psychosomatic conditions are a diverse and complicated group of anatomical symptoms created in the mind, but expressed in the physical body. These conditions are not imaginary, nor are they created for some secondary gain.
Psychological pain syndromes are a universal plague suffered by patients all across the globe. These conditions are nothing new to humankind and have existed for thousands of years. However, in the past 70 years, there has been an explosion in both the variety and incidence of these syndromes throughout the diversity of humanity.
Psychosomatic pain is in no way different than any other type of pain with one exception. It is no less real. The only thing which separates it from purely physical pain is the source process, which resides in the mind rather than the anatomy.
This important study explores the catalog of mindbody health issues and the reasons why treatment efforts generally miss the mark.
What Causes Psychosomatic Conditions?
Psychogenic conditions are created purposefully by the subconscious mind. They are designed to protect the patient from repressed internal issues, thoughts and feelings relating to threats against the individual’s consciousness. In essence, everyone has hidden emotions that exist beneath the level of conscious thought. These issues are generally sourced in the part of the personality referred to as the id by scholars of Freudian psychology. Many of these emotions are not rational or pleasant and some can be rather nightmarish to the conscious mind.
These thoughts, feelings and memories have been purposefully hidden away from the mind’s eye. They are repressed away from conscious thought and exist in a subconscious prison where they linger and languish forever. These issues will never simply go away. They are an inherent part of our personalities and are the operating system of our minds.
These repressed issues desire a conscious outlet. It is in their very nature to attempt to escape their subconscious jail at any and every opportunity. Situations in our lives might relate to, or remind us, of these threatening issues. These are perfect opportunities for a conscious connection to be made between our lives in the present and the repressed issues existing in our pasts or even worrisome potential futures.
It is in these exact moments that the mind will choose to create a distraction to occupy the attention of our conscious minds. This distraction is anatomical pain. Once the mind realizes just how effective this pain distraction truly is, there is no reason to allow it to end and we suffer continually with some type of mindbody syndrome.
Varieties of Mindbody Conditions
There are far too many conditions to account for all psychogenic syndromes. Any condition which can exist in nature can be duplicated by the subconscious mind. Throughout history, there have been common psychologically induced pain syndromes, as well as exceptional psychogenic conditions. The most common of these syndromes have reached epidemic proportions in our modern world.
These disorders have been so incredibly successful because their actual psychological causations have gone mostly unnoticed by doctors and patients alike. They rely on anonymity in order to be successful. This has been proven time and time again using knowledge therapy to cure them, regardless of their actual physical symptoms.
The key to defeating psychogenic pain is to recognize it for what it truly is. Once the cover is blown on its covert operation, the condition loses the power to create further havoc in the physical body and simply disappears.
Thoughts on Psychosomatic Conditions
Back pain is a complicated condition. It can exist from injury or degenerative processes. Normally, these physical causes respond well to appropriate treatment and will resolve in a given amount of time. However, this is not the reality for many patients.
Back pain is known as a chronic condition which can resist all attempts at treatment and continue, worsen and change with time. These are also common characteristics of virtually all psychological pain syndromes. This is proof positive that some cases of chronic and recurrent back pain is actually psychosomatic.
To further this proof, one only need look at the poor curative statistics of medical back pain treatments versus the high cure rate of knowledge therapy. Knowledge alone will not cure an anatomical condition and medicine will not cure a psychosomatic syndrome. The fact that knowledge therapy works so well is the exclamation point on the sentence proving the psychosomatic nature of many chronic pain syndromes.
My Experience with Psychosomatic Conditions
I never imagined that some of my physical pain originated in my subconscious mind. I was always a seemingly happy, successful and completely normal guy in every way. I did not realize that there were facets to my personality which made me prone to developing these psychosomatic conditions.
In addition, I also had positive multiply confirmed diagnoses as to the structural causes of my pain. There was no doubt that my pain was the direct result of degenerated and herniated discs in my spine. There was no doubt for 18 years until, suddenly, I woke up.
I learned enough to realize that everything I had been told about my pain was a complete lie. A fairy tale. I learned that my symptoms made no sense in relation to my diagnosis. I also learned all about psychosomatic back pain and how it can create symptoms identical to mine. I did not want to believe it, but I gave it a try.
Using knowledge therapy, I completely cured my own pain in a couple of months. To me, this is the ultimate proof that the mind is indeed the source of the majority of chronic pain in one’s life. It might take time, but I am sure medicine will eventually recognize this fact, as well. It will occur once care providers figure out how to make equal money treating psychosomatic pain as they can treating mistakenly perceived anatomical pain.
Patients often seem hesitant to let go of structural diagnoses, since these explanations have guided them n their treatment efforts for years. Furthermore, they often hold “proof” that something is wrong in their spine, since they have seen images of these abnormalities and completely believed what was told to them by their doctors. Mind you, these are the same doctors who profit from treatment of these conditions and the same doctors whose “expert” guidance in therapy failed time and time again to relieve the pain.
Many of these patients eventually discover the truth that their pain might be of mindbody origin. They write to us asking: “Why didn’t my doctor suggest this possibility to me?” Our answer is obvious. Doctors are not trained to diagnose or treat psychosomatic conditions or mindbody pain problems. Furthermore, they can not make money if the diagnosis is not a structural problem. Do we really have to say a single word more?
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