Recovering from lower back pain may seem like an impossible objective for so many patients to achieve. Statistically, those who have been suffering for extended periods of time with chronic lumbar dorsalgia rarely completely recover. Worse still, many patients get worse with time and continuing treatment.
Lower back pain is a terribly common condition in the modern medical system and often dooms sufferers to lives filled with constant or recurrent agony, limited mobility, reduced physical functionality and incessant emotional torture, anxiety and fear for the future.
The lower back is a strong and capable region of the anatomy, but has suffered from a terrible reputation; much of which is undeserved. However, there is no denying that lower back ache is one of the most significant health crises of recent times.
This guide provides helpful guidance of recovering from lumbar dorsopathy. We will examine the reasons why many patients never get better, as well as provide tips to get patients on the right path towards improved health, function and life satisfaction.
Odds of Recovering from Lower Back Pain
Recovering from the ravages of lower back pain is never easy. When all factors work out just right, the patient is still in for a tortuous experience until they actually feel normal once again. When all the possible positive factors do not align, patients might never feel as if they are 100% healed from a bad episode of pain.
The main reason why patients can not recover is the poor curative results offered by most traditional, complementary and alternative back pain treatments. Why these treatments fail varies greatly, but there are many patterns which typically apply to many patients, including all of the following scenarios:
The therapies provided are often nothing more than symptomatic treatment and hold no hope of curing the root cause of pain. Instead, the treatment simply manages the expressions and therefore must be continually renewed in order to have any efficacy at all. This category of failure includes all therapies designed to manage pain, but not address the actual causative issue behind the symptoms. It must be noted that symptom-based care amounts to slavery for the patient, but is the most profitable, and least risky form of care for doctors and therapists to provide.
Misdiagnosis is rampant in the back pain industry and most patients with ongoing pain issues have clearly been labeled with an incorrect diagnostic conclusion. If the symptomatic origin is not correctly ascertained, then subsequent treatment will virtually always disappoint. This is just simple logic.
Unfortunately, even when curative modalities are applied to a correct diagnosis, many things can still go wrong to spoil the outcome of care. The more invasive the treatment, the greater the risks of significant complications coming to light and preventing immediate or eventual recovery. In fact, some patients regret even the most indicated surgical endeavors, since they suffer dire consequences that might disable, maim or even kill them.
Recovering from Low Back Pain Woes
In order to recover from lumbar pain, you must get yourself on the right road towards good health and wellness. This path might involve changing your diet or exercising more, although these things may or may not make noticeable differences in your back pain problem.
Most patients who want to be rid of their back ache for good simply need to achieve the one thing which most take for granted: a correct diagnosis. Just because a doctor has labeled you as suffering from (insert diagnosis here), does not mean this issue is responsible for your pain. Doctors know this and you should too.
There is little clinical evidence linking chronic back pain to the most commonly diagnosed sources of said pain, including osteoarthritis in the spine, herniated discs and various suspect soft tissue pathologies. Doctors blame these conditions, since they need some reason to give the patient and these structural abnormalities can be documented on diagnostic imaging. Furthermore, the treatments for these conditions are extremely profitable, so why change something that is so lucrative?
I hate to tell you, but doctors are business people and they will generally go with the flow and treat your (insert diagnosis here again, please) until the end of time, in order to make money and provide you with the feeling that they are doing something (if not the correct thing). It is a sad situation indeed.
Therefore, the first step towards recovery, regardless of what type of pain you have, or what diagnosis you have received, is to learn. Learn everything you can. Study and research until you are an expert that can hold a detailed conversation on your pain topic with any medical professional.
Once you are at this stage of understanding, then you will have the insight to question things that might seem incorrect with your diagnosis. You will have the knowledge to fully explore all your treatment choices and easily differentiate those that might cure you from those which might just treat your symptoms and those that are likely to do more harm than good. Most importantly, you will no longer be a passive victim of pain. Instead, you will be a well-prepared soldier; ready to fight for your very life on equal terms with your oppressor.
Of course, you can always skip this advice and simply place all your trust and hope in a single doctor. Close your eyes and pray. Some patients achieve great results this way. However, the majority or patients fail to get better, often end up worse and some pay the ultimate price for their passivity: disability, never-ending torment or death.
Recovering from Lower Back Pain Conclusions
One of our main goals at The Cure Back Pain Network is to provide advocacy for patients. However, although we go to extremes to help patients, we also embrace the old adage: Help comes to those who help themselves.
If you will not get involved in your own care, then why should we? Why should your doctor? Why should anyone?
If you do not know enough about your pain, then learn about it. It is your life. Do not take anyone’s word for what is wrong with you until you can understand exactly what is being said about your anatomy and what is theorized to be wrong with it.
Taking even a small amount of time to do some quality back pain research will make you well aware of the glaring holes in many diagnostic theories. Just remember that if you start asking questions and your doctor seems bothered and resistant to provide any real sensible answers, it is simply because you hit a sensitive nerve. The truth hurts if they really do not know what is wrong or why your pain will not end. They certainly do not want to be exposed as being incorrect by their own patients.
I know this all too well, as so many of my previous doctors hate to talk to anyone who is well informed about back pain. They really hated dealing with me. They prefer hapless, easily-influenced and uninformed sheep who will just do whatever they are told. This is the way modern medicine makes its grandiose fortune every day, regardless of the toll it takes on the true health of the population.
In summary, this essay is obviously not about providing you will a universal way to recover from lower back pain misery. This type of simple solution just does not exist. However, if you read this discussion again and really take it to heart, follow the guidance contained herein and apply it to your life, then you will be far better prepared to find your own individual road towards recovery than you have ever been before.
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